Missing .DLL

PHP-CGI.exe – System Error: This program can’t be started because …dll is missing from your computer. Try reinstalling the program to fix this problem.

Categorized as Errors

How to Search for a Module

The modules search bar can be used to find a module by typing in the name of the module.

Categorized as How Tos

Render Error Logs

The Logs module keeps track of all logs. Render Error Logs keep track of any errors that occurred when data is displayed, what date & time it was occurred, and any other information about the error.

Categorized as Logs

Server Error Logs

The Logs module keeps track of all logs. Server Error Logs keep track of any errors that occurred on the server, what date & time it was occurred, and the request data.

Categorized as Logs

Access Logs

The Logs module keeps track of all logs. Access Logs keep track of what module was accessed, what date & time it was accessed, who accessed it, and what data was transmitted.

Categorized as Logs